II. Conference on renewable energies at the LTETT:
On 17th and 18th March 2016 a conference on renewable energies and wind power will take place at the Lycée technique d’Ettelbruck. On this occasion different topics such as the LTETT school projects E-lectrike, Solarboot and Windmobile will be presented. Piggot wind turbine experts will report on their experiences related to the construction, the setting-up and the use of wind turbines. Additional topics that will be presented will include data collection and data processing in the fields of wind power and weather.
On Friday night, a public conference will take place on the aforementioned topics and a retrospect on the last 10 years of the school’s Windmobile project will be presented. The conference is directed at all LTETT students, who -as of late- include a BTS class in the area of enterprise and sustainable development. University of Luxembourg students in the field of energy and development can also be considered as a target audience.
The goal of the conference is to provide the students with an insight into a conference process and to stimulate their interest in technology, social aspects (improvement of life quality through self-made wind turbines in decentralised areas, for example) and scientific approaches. As an additional objective, the conference could influence students’ potential choice of a field of study or career in these areas.